Sunday, January 23, 2011

OCI notes

 i've put my OCI notes online for posterity. hopefully it'll be of some help to someone. i sat the RANZCP clinical exam in October 2010 in Melbourne.

preparation time 6 - 9 months. use of video camera was invaluable. study group with like minded candidates helped a great deal.

i am in no way an expert but i found that there were some things which helped me more than other things. when i get around to it - i'll add something about formulating cases.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Leeenux 3.0 on Asus eeepc 701/4g

Trawling the net for an appropriate linux distribution for my eeepc was a mission. Not knowing anything about open source os'es except that it sounds like a cool idea was all i had to start with. I was overwhelmed. Eeebuntu? OpenGeeeu? Easypeasy? Unity? - it all got a bit much. But i stumbled across a review on and decided to give Leeenux 3.0 a go.

Creating a bootable usb using unetbootin seemed simple enough but i found more success with Lili USB creator. I had problems with the former - not sure if it was unable to unpackage the iso or what but Lili just made it easy. After that - the installation procedure was straightforward using only 1.6gb of space.

I had a toned down windows xp installed to replace the stock xandros that came with the eeepc as i just had too many problems with wifi connectivity. unfortunately windows xp is xp. so replacing it with Leeenux would be an upgrade.

So far so good. I think it uses gnome so the desktop environment will be familiar to ubuntu users - correct me if i am wrong.